Wot to pay

Sharing da booty

The guardian of da booty

WYLLA and RIKKO from Flying Crossbones

Wylla will collect da dubs to refill da coffer, Rikko is gona have a beer in the garden !

As usual there is 2 coffers

The accomodations

The price is low dear efficient greedy pirates !

We decided that it would be 10€ per day per pirate, that means a basis of 30€ for the whole week end.

Beverages and food

As Wylla and Rikko will be that place a few days before, they will take care of yer stomachs and throats.

We will provide amount of food on a regular basis with as much as possible (according to weather) grilled things outside (Klowzy will fer sure take care of da fire !).

Fer drinks, we will afford some beer and more rum than we will be able to drink, feel free to bring yer own beverage (or let Rikko know on FB wot is yer regular poison).

Anyway, there is supermarket at hand so we will be able to complete meanwhile.

We will arrange thingz in order to get a price lower than 100€ (as lower as it could be).

But anyway as tis a Pirate Week end and not a gourmet week end, I'm sure we will be able to satisfy everybody without having broke pirate on monday morning !

Pirate Meeting Waldeckhof Blumentäle 4 Dornhan
Tous droits réservés 2019
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